Thursday, August 12, 2010

Seattle- Day 4

On day four of the family get-together, we all headed to Newcastle Beach!  It was a surprisingly chilly day, but that didn't take away from the fun at all!  We had a beautiful picnic spot, right by the water.  

Ali & Chanel's kids seemed to be completely unaware it was 60 degrees outside.  They played for hours, in and out of the water. 

In contrast, the California girls were bundled up in multiple layers.

G&G keeping warm in whatever they could find!

Another delicious picnic.

Thomas and Grammy Cindy

I heard that after our car left Buddy, Eden and Ben went in for a swim.  Brrrrrrr!!!!

There was a playground close by.

Another perfect day!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day that was!!!! Buddy and I had such a good time with all the kids. I love the shot with my Tom Tom and me! I was proud of Buddy, Eden and Ben for the chilly swim and it was fun to see how much they have improved in their swimming skills this last year. Fun Time.
    The California girls pic is so look good even in a vintage windbreaker, Ami. mom
