Sunday, October 30, 2011

An Update

I'm finally sitting down to update this blog!  Just a quick word on 'new baby Smith' before I go on to report on other major events of the last months.  I am now 24 weeks pregnant, and we know now that we are expecting a BOY.  We are thrilled!  This has been a very challenging pregnancy for my body, but everything is going perfectly with his growth and development- and that's the most important thing so we are so grateful for that!  I'm so happy to feel him moving and growing inside of me.  I already feel I am getting an idea of who he is, and coming to know his personality and spirit.  It's truly a miracle.  Even with all the stress of this pregnancy, I already know it's SO WORTH IT.  We're getting very excited for him to be in our arms.  I'm currently having lots of trouble with my back which has inhibited my ability to walk, at times, and has made it very difficult to lift and bend (which causes great complications when trying to care for a toddler!).  We have been received so much help from both sides of our families.  I recently spent a lot of time in Idaho while my parents helped care for me and Eloise, and I am now back in California where Rhonda and Jasmine have come to stay with us.  They have been a tremendous help.  What would we do without family?! 


  1. So happy to hear you're having a BOY!!! And I'm so sorry to hear of your complications and that you're down a lot. You and your family will definitely be in our prayers. I understand how that bed rest thing goes and my heart goes out to you. It will just be a short time and you're right, totally worth it to have a healthy baby boy. Love you!

  2. You poor thing that sounds terrible! Back problems are the worst. I threw mine out a year ago, but was only down for about 2 days. I can't imagine. Very excited you're having a boy though. I LOVE having one of each and it definitely takes the pressure off if/when number 3 comes along. I hope you get feeling better soon!

    PS I'm so happy your blog is public now!
