Friday, October 1, 2010

Sister Visit

Ali and Emelia came to visit a couple of weeks ago.  It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend full of much-needed sister time.  It was so fun to see the young cousins, Eloise and Emelia, together.  We didn't take many pictures because most of our time was spent chatting, eating and watching movies (not much to document there).  But we did manage to snap a few shots of the babies. Thank you for coming, Ali!


Eloise likes to hold hands

Me, Emelia, and the Ladybug quilt I made for her


  1. Cousins are the best! Your ladybug quilt looks adorable!

  2. Ann has an Edmund. I'll see if I can pick out an E name (when I have a kid) and then they can form the 4 Es club... Ali's daughter will obvi be president.

  3. Cute little cousins!!! How fun to spend time with Ali - sisters are the best!
