Sunday, February 13, 2011

9 Months

Eloise turned 9 months old at the end of January.  This month brought many fun developments!

Eloise is pivoting and scooting quite smoothly now, able to get to almost any destination.  She prefers this method of movement over crawling (she's always been happier in an upright, "in control" position).  Also, I think this form of mobility is easier for a baby of her... hmm... shape. The roly-poly babies find crawling a very difficult task, am I right?  She has also expanded her food repertoire quite a bit, eating many solid foods now.  She loves discovering new tastes and textures.  Meal times have become 45+ minute ordeals as she takes her time working her way through each food group on the tray.  Some other fun developments: she is pointing at anything and everything she loves, clapping and dancing to a beat and... she got her first tooth!  But probably the best development has been in her personality.  She continues to be such a HAPPY little girl.  Eloise always manages to keep a sweet demeanor, even while expressing her strong opinions about what she wants.  She has an independent spirit with a playful excitement and curiosity about life.  We adore her!

Here are some of our favorite shots from her 9-month photo shoot:

Pointing at Mom

Look at my tooth!

Beautiful Blue Eyes

I should also mention her official 9-month stats.  She's 18.2 pounds, 50th percentile.  And she's 26 inches tall; 5th percentile.  


  1. I can't believe how much she looks like you Ami!! She is such a beautiful baby, love those pretty blue eyes!

  2. Ami! She is sooooo cute! Holy cow. I love her! I also love hearing about you. Hope everything is well. Love you tons.

  3. I can see how you adore her so much - she is a sweetie pie! I can't believe how time flies. She is getting big!

  4. I agree with Whitney, she is so cute! Those pictures are darling. It is so fun seeing her grow up and she does remind me of you ;)

  5. I'm not sure if I have ever seen a more pleasant demeanor-ed (is that a word?) baby! She exudes happiness! Darling!

  6. She is so cute! She really does look the baby Ami I remember! I love your commentary about her- it is so you!

  7. I want to cry she is so cute! I can't wait to squeeze her!
